Every Beat of My Heart by Barbra Gentry-Pugh


This book will grip your heart as it provides prescriptions for the physical, emotional, and spiritual blockage that hinders the Source of life which flows from the heartbeat of God. Who you are and everything you do flows from the condition of your heart. Consider the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that can help you to keep your heart on the right course.  Barbra believes that only an Infinite God could design such an incredibly unique and effective organ.

God has used the physical heart and its functionalities to teach her transforming lessons about life and the heartbeat of Himself. She is convinced that the Holy Spirit is the only Person more fascinating and more powerful than the human heartbeat. Filled with over 35 years of valuable nursing experiences, research and data, along with Barbra’s own life and ministry experiences, she shares how the heart correlates to deep spiritual truths about life, relationships, and God’s undying love.
